Author Topic: Volunteer Opportunities with Chesapeake Bay Foundation (March 2021 COVID update)  (Read 9134 times)

Offline StephanieE65

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Folks may already have this information and are tracking but I wanted to share the informational e-mail I received 31 March from the CBF Maryland Outreach Coordinator. Some opportunities are opening up now. It is pasted below. ~Stephanie

Hello Friend of the Bay,

My name is David Tana, and I’m the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s (CBF) Maryland Outreach Manager. I am emailing today because you expressed an interest in restoration activities through our website. There are four primary areas where we look for volunteer support in Maryland: tree plantings, working on our regenerative farm, service in Baltimore City, and oyster restoration. We are hosting several events this spring, all of which will be within COVID-19 restrictions and will be designed to protect CBF staff and volunteers. Fortunately, all of these events take place outdoors, and social distancing is easy to accommodate.

Every spring and fall, we have multiple public tree and wetland planting events on Saturdays throughout the season. Planting streamside buffers on agricultural properties reduces pollution loads, prevents sediment erosion, creates wildlife habitat, sequesters carbon, and creates clean air for the surrounding community. These events will be held on April 10, 17, 24, and May 15 in Frederick County and on the Eastern Shore, and you can register online at now.

There is always work to be done at Clagett Farm, CBF’s regenerative working farm in Upper Marlboro. We use it to showcase Bay-friendly agricultural practices, and they have a working vegetable operation, native tree nursery (where the trees we plant come from), and grass-fed cattle and sheep. Clagett is currently accepting volunteers in the tree nursery in groups of 10 or less on Tuesdays and Fridays from now until the end of April. You can find online registration on our event calendar. This is a great place to learn about the connection between clean water, food equity, and agricultural systems.

Our Baltimore Program also accepts volunteers from around March to December, and offers a variety of opportunities. From oyster gardening, to litter pickup, to vacant lot greening, we’re working in Baltimore City to create a large network of engaged citizens that are working towards a healthier harbor. These events can also be found on our event calendar.

The MD Oyster Restoration Center in Shady Side holds shell shaking, bagging, oyster gardening, and reef ball building events periodically from April through October. These activities are a critical part of our efforts to restore the Eastern oyster – a critical filter and provider of habitat - in the Bay.  Once up and running again, these events will also be on our event calendar.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out, and thank you again for your interest in volunteering to help Save the Bay.

Stay safe and healthy,

More trees please

David Tana (he/him/his)| Maryland Outreach Manager

Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Environmental Protection & Restoration
6 Herndon Avenue
Annapolis, Maryland  21403
P 443.482.2156  F 410.268.6687